I’m excited to share some great news of events taking place this year. Now as I begin my 8th year of this adventure I’m thankful for the experiences that have shaped who I am today and the experiences that have shaped my growth.
One of the most valuable tools to an entrepreneur is networking with others in the industry. That said networking is not always business, friendships apply as well.
I want to take a moment to mention some people who have been very influential on not only encouraging my growth along the way but also sharing in constructive criticism. The value in criticism is only as valuable as your ability to listen completely and resist the natural desire to become defensive. Remember that successful growth is built on mistakes, not easy victories.
I could go on and on about business growth lessons but I’ll save those for another day. Some of the most influential people in my life are not photographers from afar whom I will likely never meet but much closer to home and not photographers necessarily but artist in general. Artists such as Kellene Turner, Michael Hall, Melanie McFarland, Leisha Hoskins Vaughn, Justin Lewis, Ann Wickliffe Jordan, Benjamin Callahan, Stephanie McVay, and Travis Sparkman. In some shape or form each of these individuals has either been part of my growth through project involvement or painstakingly endured my hours long business pow wows. Their talent in and of itself inspires me each and every day. While there are many more individuals to mention these in particular have established a long term commitment to mutual support and respect. When I’m deep within a photographers block I can turn to their social media posts or privately message to get back some mojo to kickstart the brain.
To be successful it takes a village, literally. My success hinges upon their success and together we overcome challenges that every single entrepreneur will face at some point on their artistic journey.
This year “we” are undertaking some exciting new projects that will not only promote individual growth but growth for all of “us”. From classes made available to the public, to art gallery shows, and website enhancements, “we” will end this year with more experience and stronger understanding of not only ourselves but each other.
Let me add one final and likely the most important point to all of this and that is without you, the client, the supporter, the follower, the sharer, none of this would be possible. All of our networking has one goal and that is to provide the best of who we are to enrich the journey ahead that you have chosen to be part of and for that we are truly and deeply thankful.
On my next blog I’ll share in more detail some of the exciting things that are just around the corner. Thanks for taking the time to read this and supporting my journey.
Christian Mansfield